Our Lady of Fatima Church offers religious education classes for children and adults.
Classes are scheduled on Sunday mornings during the regular school year. Our 2022-2023 classes begin Sunday, September 11 from 9:15-10:10 am (between our 8 am and 10:30 am Masses).
The program includes seven classes, two of which are for sacramental preparation for Penance/Holy Communion, and Confirmation. Four other classes are offered to supplement the religious education that takes place in the home.
Our Adult Class is an in-depth dive into many topics of catechetical importance like the Sacrifice of the Mass in the Tridentine Rite, Christian Morality, and the Church in the Post-Modern World.
Class Titles and Content:
Pre-First Communion (Children ages 5-6) Starting children on a strong foundation of the Catholic Faith, this class uses developmental level activities to teach the basic prayers and how to be holy. Class materials include The Catholic Mother’s Helper and coloring pages from the SSPX Education Portal.
First Communion Preparation (Children ages 6-7) Reviewing in greater detail and breadth the teachings presented in the pre-First Holy Communion class this class prepares children for receiving the sacraments of Penance and Holy Communion at the end of the Catechism year. Instructional materials include The New Saint Joseph First Communion Catechism, First Confession by Mother by Mother Mary Loyola, SSPX, and Catechism Stories & Minimum Knowledge for First Communion Booklet.
Post First Communion (Children ages 7-10) Building on the knowledge learned in the previous class, students strengthen their knowledge of the tenets of the Catholic faith before moving into preparation for receiving the sacrament of Confirmation. Class materials include The St. Joseph Baltimore Catechism No 1, The King of the Golden City by Mother Mary Loyola, SSPX, and Catechism Stories & Knowledge Booklet.
Preparation For Confirmation (Children age 10-12) As students grow into adults, they understand the need for additional graces to become true "soldiers of Christ". This class is offered as preparation for receiving this important sacrament. The class materials include The St. Joseph Baltimore Catechism No. 2, Preparation for Confirmation, The Soldier of Christ by Mother Mary Loyola, SSPX, and Catechism Stories & Minimum Knowledge for Confirmation Booklet.
Bible Studies (Children ages 12-14) Students who have received the sacrament of Confirmation move into a study of the foundations of the Catholic Church which is based on The Bible and Apostolic Tradition. They learn the connections between the Old and New Testaments, and how the Catholic Church is a seamless extension of God working in the post-Biblical world. Students are required to do oral presentations/projects for the class as well as for the OLF community. Class materials include Bible History Text & Workbook (Johnson, et al); A Practical Commentary on Holy Scripture (Knecht).
Apologetics (For teens ages 14-19). This is a 3-4 year rotation for high school students which prepares them to defend the Faith in the world. From the five proofs for the existence of God to the necessity of the Catholic Church, the class covers all the necessary knowledge needed to explain and defend the Faith. Each year ends with the Apologetics Banquet & Competition - Oral presentations to the parish and a panel of judges. Class materials include Apologetics: A Philosophical Defense and Explanation of the Catholic Religion (REV. MSGR. Paul J. Glenn, Ph.D.
Use the form below to register for our classes.